As far as telework is concerned, we have read, seen, and heard everything during the pandemic: the worst and the best, but above all, we have noticed that the subject was often treated in a “polemical” way, even though it requires a calm and adapted approach for each and everyone.
While certain sectors of activity have been experiencing “non-presential” workspaces for a long time, whole sections of the economy have had to change their habits with the teleworking imposed by the pandemic.
If, nowadays, the delimitation between private and public spaces is becoming blurred, particularly with social networks, the same applies to the workplace as such. Many workers are suddenly confronted with the question: what is my real workspace?
Telework cannot be imposed: it must be lived through a philosophy, a strategy, an adapted conduct, and a mutual understanding.
Between those who only see it as a financial or fiscal issue, those who think that productivity will necessarily decrease, those who think they can better control their staff face-to-face and those who think it is a pillow of laziness, we might as well say that it is not yet won…
Telework is not opposed to face-to-face work but must be understood and experienced as a complement. The advantages of teleworking are well known, but it does not replace regular presence at a workplace in the company to meet social and psychological needs.
Many actors are waiting, discovering the phenomenon, and struggling to define the contours of this new way of working: it will probably take a few years to find acceptable solutions and the support of specialists to find THE right answer.
Finally, let us think about the new generations: they very quickly integrate the new challenges, the new spaces, provided they have a structuring environment. The working world is no different: with good will and a few explanations, everything will go well.
Telework can be an excellent complement to face-to-face work provided it is prepared, supported and above all, well lived.
Good luck, good thoughts, and good reading